Mission for Orphans Autumn Conference in Margitta

Once again the foundation's parenting support conference was organized, and almost fifty participants attended, adoptive parents, prospectives, our team and supporters.
The event was kicked off by joint worship, followed by the greeting and devotional from the foundation lead, Gere János. After this Ms Szűcs Berei Lenke gave a presentation on the activity of the foundation. In closing, with the help of three parents, we shared our experience and know-how on discipline.
As a send-off gift, to take home as a reinforcement of the conference topics, we were presented two books, The Soul of Discipline by Kim John Payne and Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel.
Erik Henderson, the World Without Orphans organisation representative, talked about Moses, Esther and Jesus as examples from the Scriptures for orphans who were "adopted", and became wonderful tools in God's hands in these circumstances.
Following a short break, Mr Dániel Kőszegi, the founder of Mission for Orphans, delivered a message based on Mathew's Gospel. He encouraged us to seize all opportunities and goods God provides us with. By drawing a paralel between the talents and the orphans, he emphasized, that whether one takes in one or more children, they still need to raise them, and care for them responsibly, so that the gifts God placed in them could be brought to fruition. God, who along with the talents places in the hands of the servants everything He owns, as we read in the parables, will provide in turn the adequate circumstances for their abilities to flourish.

The event was closed by Bántó Ruben, who presented a list of specific prayer goals. We prayed for the sick and orphaned children, whom we support, and for the children whose papers are pending, and last but not least, we thanked God for the children who were placed in families recently. It is our belief, that each of them is found and special FOREVER.